Our Products

Phoebus Biofertilizers

It is a new concept in bio fertilization and sustainable agriculture, boosting the development and growth of roots and root hairs, generating a greater exploration of the soil and leading to a more efficient absorption of the available resources such as water and nutrients.

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Foliar Application Biofertilizers

Foliar Biological Fertilizer based on Pseudomonas fluorescens and Azospirillum brasilense. Biphasic solution consisting of a solid support based on an organic colloidal system and another aqueous phase.

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Phoebus Inoculants

It´s elaboration is based on a colloidal system, micronized solids with high biological value and polymers in a liquid suspension that contribute to the well-being of bacteria, not needing a cold chain and achieving effectiveness, efficiency and high counts in nodulation.

Icono Soja

Phoebus Pack

Consists of Phoebus Premium inoculant, which includes Bradyrhizobium bacterium, main component for the biological nitrogen fixing in soy, and the biofertilizer Phoebus Mixx, a complex of bacteria.

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Biocontrol consists in using living organisms to control populations of other organisms (insects, fungi) which may affect the production of commercial crops. Biological control or biocontrol is an alternative to traditional pesticides and is different from them in the sense that it allows a sustainable plague management avoiding negative effects to the environment, the producer and the consumer.